Abstract This study examined the new laws related to online business in Indonesia and the extent of freedom given to foreign investors. It alsodiscusses whether new regulations would be able to check illegal ...
The purpose of this article is to analyze the legal relationship of a Leasing Businessfinancing contract of three legitimate parties and bind between supplier, lessor and lesse.
The research methodology ...
This article aims to analyze the fulfillment of maqâshid al-sharî'ah towards theimplementation of sharia franchises at 212 Mart Bandar Lampung. The theory of ...
The rehabilitation approach has not become a priority for coaching so that it is difficult to changeAndikpas' behavior for the better. This paper aims to ...
Abstract: Human rights are defined as rights attached to human dignity as creaturescreated by God, and these rights are brought by humans from birth to the ...
ABSTRACT Results from this search 1) Done Include a curriculum Boarding school predecessor In the 2013curricula, the local content consists of the internal ...
The object of this research is PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII Kiwah Business Unit 14.
Abstract: This study aims to describe students' planning system 15.
Business competition is getting fiercer, both in the domestic (national) and 16. 16. The Effects of Work Motivation on Employee Discipline in Tanjungkarang Barat Sub-District of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia Yuliana Yamin, S.E., M.M.,Ani Pujiati (2022) This research aims to determine the effect of work motivation on employee 17. 17. The Implementation of Islamic Qanun Law in the Modern Aceh Society Dr. Ria Delta, S.H.,M.H (2020) ABSTRACTAceh is a province that exists at the most northern tip of ... 18. 18. Legal Aspects of Environmental Pollution in Space and Land Use Procedures in BandarLampung City Rj.Agung Kusuma A.R,Dr. Ino Susanti, S.H.,M.H,Restiana Sari P.K (2020) ABSTRACT--Environmental preservation and management 19. 19. Formulation Policy against Religious Offenses and Insult to God in the Effort to Reform Criminal Law Dr. Ino Susanti, S.H., M.H.,Ratna Kumala Sari, S.H.,M.H (2020) Abstract. There is no special chapter that regulates offenses against religion and offenses ... 20. 20. Challenges of Islamic Religious Higher Education In Indonesia:Qualitative Analysis Using NVivo Software Septa Riadi,Ahiruddin,Kuswarak, S.E., M.M,Husna Purnama (2021) ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze and examine the main issues in any news on the internet related to the challenges of Islamic ReligiousHigher Education. Online News is obtained using the Google Indonesia search ...
This research aims to determine the effect of work motivation on employee 17.
ABSTRACTAceh is a province that exists at the most northern tip of ...
ABSTRACT--Environmental preservation and management 19.
Abstract. There is no special chapter that regulates offenses against religion and offenses ...
ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze and examine the main issues in any news on the internet related to the challenges of Islamic ReligiousHigher Education. Online News is obtained using the Google Indonesia search ...
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