19. Formulation Policy against Religious Offenses and Insult to God in the Effort to Reform Criminal Law


Dr. Ino Susanti, S.H., M.H.
Ratna Kumala Sari, S.H.,M.H


Abstract. There is no special chapter that regulates offenses against religion and offenses related to religion. Based on this, several problems can be formulated, namely how to formulate policies against religious offenses and insult God in Indonesian positive law today and how to formulate policies for religious offenses and insult God in the future. This research uses a normative juridical approach which refers to secondary data and is supported by a historical juridical approach and a comparative juridical approach. The results of the study concluded that currently the formulation of criminal law policies against religious offenses is contained in the Criminal Code and special laws outside the Criminal Code. Meanwhile, the Criminal Code Bill, which is currently being discussed, has formulated the religious offense in a firm and detailed manner, so that it can accommodate deficiencies in the current legislation if it is passed in the future.

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