18. Legal Aspects of Environmental Pollution in Space and Land Use Procedures in BandarLampung City


Rj.Agung Kusuma A.R
Dr. Ino Susanti, S.H.,M.H
Restiana Sari P.K


ABSTRACT--Environmental preservation and management are assets of natural resources, must provide maximum benefits for the welfare of the people and the survival of other living creatures, therefore management must be done wisely, which means that the preservation and management of the surrounding natural environment will result in negative impacts in the form of pollution or environmental damage. Trash and Toxic Hazardous Materials (B3) which are discharged directly into the environment of land and water cancause danger to the environment and the health of humans 
and other living things. So as to protect environmental pollution caused by human actions as well as those generated by production and industrial activities it is necessary to take steps from the central government to the regions, this is done in order to protect and limit environmental damage.  In
addition, the role of local governments in environmental protection and management, especially garbage and B3 waste has been emphasized through legislation, this is intended so that waste and B3 waste generated by each production unit can be reduced/eliminated as much as possible, through programs programs that refer to the principles of sustainable  development and environmentally sound, including the provision of open space, reduction in the source of material management, material substitution, operational arrangements for activities, with clean technology. Finally, environmentally sound development activities in the regions, particularly the city of Bandar Lampung through its programs and principles, can run in an integrated manner supported by communityparticipation as mandated by laws and regulations. 

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