16. The Effects of Work Motivation on Employee Discipline in Tanjungkarang Barat Sub-District of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia


Yuliana Yamin, S.E., M.M.
Ani Pujiati

This research aims to determine the effect of work motivation on employee  discipline in Tanjungkarang Barat sub-district in Bandar Lampung. The data collection techniques used was observation, questionnaires, and documentation, and the t-test was used to test the hypothesis. The t-test result showed a tcount of 9.150, which was compared to the ttable value of 2.82 at a significant level of 0.05. Based on the decision rule, tcount = 9.150 > ttable 2.82 indicates that Work Motivation (X) has a significant influence on Discipline (Y) of Employee. Furthermore, work motivation and discipline influence each other, as evidenced by the coefficient of determination (R ) of 79.9%, and the remaining 20.1% is influenced by other factors. Keywords: Work Discipline;Work Motivation; Employees2

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