Management discussion and analysis (MD&A) disclosure provides amanager’s perspective of the firm’s performance. This study analyses whetherMD&A disclosure can strengthen the statistical correlation between earningsquality and stock returns and whether MD&A disclosure and earnings qualityare positively related to stock returns. Using panel data of 427 firm-yearobservations from 61 companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX),this study finds a statistically significant correlation between MD&A activityand earnings quality. The firm-year dates ranged from 2014 to 2020 andincluded small, medium, and large capitalised companies. This study finds thatMD&A disclosure is significantly correlated to positive stock returns whileearnings quality is significantly correlated with negative stock returns. AfterMD&A disclosure moderates, earnings quality strengthens these correlations.This study suggests that the Indonesia Financial Service Authority Board (OJK)can increase efficiency in the financial system by providing measures thatincentivise managerial MD&A disclosure. It also suggests that firms thatperform MD&A disclosure strengthen the correlation between earnings quality and stock returns. This study adds to the body of knowledge in decision usefulness and signalling theory by integrating MD&A disclosure to strengthenthe correlation of earnings ability on stock returns.
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