Leadership style in an organization is required to be able to makeindividuals in the organization they lead behave in accordance with what theleader wants to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, a leader must be able tounderstand the behavior of individuals in the organization he leads in order tofind the right leadership for his organization. The next factor that affects theperformance of employees at the Inspectorate Office of Tulang Bawang Barat iswork discipline. The agency itself also plays a role in managing its employees tocomply with all regulations, norms set by the agency so that employees work withdiscipline and effectiveness. The phenomenon that occurs at the Office of theInspectorate of Tulang Bawang Barat Regency where some employees are late inattendance shows that employee work discipline towards agencies has decreased.To improve employee performance, of course there are many factors thatinfluence, among others, internal factors, namely those of employees such asdiscipline, motivation, competence, skills and education levels and externalfactors, namely work environment, supervisory leadership, work facilities. The research carried out is descriptive quantitative research. This studyused 35 research respondents. There are three variables in this study, namely: 2(two) independent variables (X1 and X2) and 1 (one) dependent variable whereLeadership Style (X1) and Work Discipline (X2) are independent variables andEmployee Performance (Y) as the dependent variable. Based on the results of data analysis, the hypothesis answers have beenfound, namely as follows; There is an influence of Leadership Style (X1) onEmployee Performance (Y) with a level of influence of 49,9 %. There is aninfluence of Work Discipline (X2) on Employee Performance (Y), with a level ofinfluence of 38,8 % There is an influence of Leadership Style (X1) and WorkDiscipline (X2) on Employee Performance (Y), with a level of influence of 52.8 %. Keywords : Leadership Style, Work Discipline, Employee Performance.
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