Umrah Worship Umrah is one of the activities of Worship in Islam. Thisservice is carried out by performing several rituals of worship in the holy city of Mecca,especially in the Grand Mosque. Umrah is performing tawaf in the Kaaba and sa'ibetween Shofa and Marwah, after wearing the Ihram taken from miqat. Contrary to this,there are several things that cause problems, such as the cancellation of the pilgrimagethat can occur because of visa problems that do not come out. However, the departurecancellations that occur by some travels, occur because of the error factor of travel, in thiscase it will be very detrimental to the pilgrims as consumers of travel service users.Theresults of this study provide an answer that in the settlement of disputes in the event ofcancellation of the departure of the Umrah, the complaint is to the Ministry of Religion asthe supervisor who will be the mediator between the pilgrims and the PilgrimageCompany and if not finished can file a lawsuit to the local District Court.
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